As seen on the Today Show and in the New York Times.
Reduce Your Fear Of Public Speaking Down To Almost Nothing
With A Scientifically-Proven Solution
That's Already Helped Over 3496 People
When you speak in public do you experience?
- Sweaty palms?
- Shaky hands?
- Sleepless nights?
- Dry mouth?
- Racing thoughts?
- Pounding heart?
- Forgetting what you had to say?
If so, I've got great news for you.
There is a program so powerful that it takes a fear of public speaking that causes your body to shake and your mind to freeze down to almost nothing — so you can relax and actually enjoy public speaking… maybe for the first time in your life.
This one-on-one phone program delivers an entirely new approach to reducing negative emotions like fear and is called The Lefkoe Method. Instead of using positive thinking, visualizations or relaxation techniques — which are like putting bandaids on a compound fracture — this program addresses the core causes of your fear because addressing the real problem is how you produce lasting change.
Bob Hunsicker handled his fear of public speaking back in 2005 and remains fearless to this day. As a result, he's been able to speak for his company at events around the world while feeling calm and confident. Here's what he has to say about his newfound freedom to speak in public.
"I can't imagine ever being fearful to speak in public again."
I am very pleased to tell you that, in addition to the big one in Sweden, I also made about a half dozen or so theatre style trade show booth presentations at Dallas...all with absolutely no sign of fear or anxiety!
I cannot believe it. I actually was looking forward to my next one while in Dallas. I cannot tell you how much of a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I am now in so much more control of my career. I can't imagine ever being fearful to speak in public again.
Bob Hunsicker,
Unisys, Senior Product Manager, Malvern, PA
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
Robert Medlock completed our program back in 2005 and since then has been able to speak in front of groups and at meetings when before he would be silent.
"Morty's process is fast, effective and efficient and my public speaking fear is gone, period."
I've always been held back by the fear of speaking in public. And, frequently, I was not able to enter into group discussions until we had met four or five times. This inability was limiting in my business and personal relationships because I rarely got my voice into important conversations in time to have any influence on the outcome.
However, just three days after my second session, I spoke in front of a group of new people four times, totally without fear or apprehension. Before these sessions, speaking in front of a new group had always been extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Now, speaking in front of groups and with potential coaching and training clients has taken on a lightness and ease. My first two marketing calls this week landed me two new coaching clients and my coaching has taken on a new clarity.
Morty's process is fast, effective and efficient and my public speaking fear is gone, period.
Robert Medlock
Executive Coach
Fort Collins, Colorado
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
The Reason Most Programs Fail To Dramatically Reduce The Fear Of Public Speaking
Since we created the Speaking Without Fear program back in 2003, we've helped over 3496 people overcome their fear of public speaking when everything else failed them.
These other programs failed because they all have one glaring flaw:
Most programs don't effectively deal with the core causes of fear.
Most solutions are like trying to cure a brain tumor with pain killers. Sure, the surface symptoms will go away for a while with drugs but only by cutting out the tumor can you save the patient.
And if you have the fear of public speaking, you can feel better for a while by using relaxation techniques, affirmations and visualizations but because these techniques don't address why the fear was there in the first place, they don't work in the long term.
So what really causes the fear? Fear and most other negative emotions are caused by beliefs. I know this may not sound like an obvious connection yet. So let me give you an example.
Case Study Of A Client Who Dramatically Reduced Her Fear
The last time I had worked with Frumi Barr she had already unlearned 5 of the beliefs that had been causing her fear. She was still experiencing some fear when speaking in public, but it had gone from a 10 on a scale of 1-10 (in which 10 is extreme fear) down to a 4. Now we had to find the remaining belief that caused her fear.
We discovered that she was still worrying about how people would respond to her if she made a mistake or said something wrong.
With a little probing we found that her belief was "If I make a mistake or fail, I'll be rejected." This belief explained why she still had some fear when speaking in public.
I took her through the 6 steps of the Lefkoe Belief Process to help her unlearn this belief. When we were done she imagined speaking in public and experienced no fear. But she still had to actually speak in public to make sure the fear was totally gone. One week later she spoke in public and had absolutely no fear.
That was back in 2003 and from that day to this she is still a fearless public speaker.
Here's what she says about what happened for her.
Every time I had to stand up in front of an audience of as few as 30 people I felt a real fight-and-flight panic reaction. After my sessions, I gave a three-hour class at Cal State Long Beach and felt no fear at all.
Originally I had felt somewhat skeptical until I got in front of a room filled with people and realized that I was no longer in a state of panic. I really appreciate The Lefkoe Method because the fear is gone.
Frumi Barr, Business Advisor
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
The reason her fear is still gone after all these years is we found all the beliefs causing her fear and she unlearned them. She didn't have to practice affirmations, visualize or do relaxation techniques. She came to her sessions and let us guide her through some challenging exercises. And although it wasn't easy, it was worth it because her fear has been gone from 2003 until today and will likely be gone for the rest of her life because she addressed her fear at its roots.
Scientific Proof The Lefkoe Method Works
To our knowledge nobody offering to help people reduce the fear of public speaking has submitted their work to scientific scrutiny to see if it works for most people. I can only guess why.
However, we knew that letting independent researchers test our results with a double-blind study—the gold standard in scientific research—was the only way we could show reasonable people how effective our solution is.
So back in 2004 when Dr. Lee Sechrest, Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, said he would be willing to study the Lefkoe Method's ability to help people with a fear of public speaking, I said yes without hesitation.
At the beginning of the study, the scientists divided 37 people into two groups. Members of both groups rated their fear at a level of 7 or above on a scale of 1-10 scale, in which 10 is extreme fear and 1 is no fear at all. One group was exposed to The Lefkoe Method. The second group was not.
After the first group completed an average of 3.3 hours with a Lefkoe Method Facilitator their average rating of fear had gone from 7 to 1.5—a significant reduction. The second group experienced no improvement despite the fact that they were attending Toastmasters meetings regularly.
We then had the second group also unlearn their beliefs with The Lefkoe Method. Their fear was reduced to almost nothing as well.
And to make sure the results were not a short term fluke Dr. Sechrest and his team followed up with both groups six months later. And here's what he found.
We had expected that the fear would come back but it didn't. They had, in fact, changed. Their fear of public speaking was gone.
--Dr. Lee Sechrest
Professor Emeritus
University of Arizona
These study results were published in the peer-reviewed journal,Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, because the results are solid enough to gain the attention of respected scientists.
What this means for you is that this process that helped 37 people in the study and over 3496 people in our practice can help you as well.
Here's what just one member of that study had to say about the results he got from a statement made nearly two years AFTER the study was completed.
"I don't feel the anxiety I did before..."
Two years after I went through this methodology, it's fantastic. It's changed my life. I used to feel when I was in front of people a general feeling of anxiety and fear — sweaty palms, sweaty brow, my voice would quiver, my stomach would tie up in knots. The way I feel now after doing The Lefkoe Method is I don't feel the anxiety I did before whether in a one-to-one conversation or a group. I feel much more confident. I don't feel a sense of urgency, a sense of anxiety, or a sense of fear. I just feel kind of an excitement. And it really doesn't matter as much who I'm talking to or the demeanor of who I'm talking to. If they're friendly, great. If they are not so friendly, I can read that and understand where they're coming from but it does not reduce my sense of confidence.
--Robert Gonzalez
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
Here's another statement from a participant in the study written over 20 months after the study was completed.
"I wondered when I could take my next breath... "
When I stood up in front of people, I would very often feel nervous, be afraid of forgetting what I was going to say, my hands would feel very clammy at times, and I felt this general fear, this kind of anxiety and fear of saying the wrong thing, almost palpitations of the heart, running very fast. My mouth would get dry and I'd feel breathless—I wondered when I could take my next breath because I was running out of breath.
The Lefkoe Method has helped me in presenting to prospects in my business, to get them to convince them to do business with me. Helped me with subordinates who report to me and my colleagues and helped me become a more visible, more noticeable person in our office.
I underwent the experience not quite two years ago. One of my concerns was that this would go in one ear and out the next and I'd be back to where I as before. But it has stayed with me.
--Tim Smith
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
What Can You Accomplish When Your Fear Is Gone?
One client who worked with us in 2006 overcame her fear and as a result was better able to promote her business.
"... the first time in my life I experienced actual enjoyment of speaking in front of a group."
I just got back from my speaking presentation in Albuquerque. It went really well. I was so comfortable on stage I surprised myself. There were about 54 people, which consisted of 26 buying parties in the room. We sold 6 of our Executive Purpose Hawaii Retreats, including bookings for next year which represented a 25% closing ratio. I would say on the scale of 1-10, I was less than a 1. I really was not nervous. My mouth got a little dry, but I recovered after getting a drink of water. I received a lot of great feedback, people were inspired, etc.
So I have to say it is the first time in my life I experienced actual enjoyment of speaking in front of a group. This is my goal realized. I want to have fun and enjoy and inspire! So thank you for your help getting me here. I really appreciate your support!
--Desiree Watson
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
Another client is a Medical Marketing consultant who felt it was difficult to move forward in her career due to her fear of public speaking. Below she describes what she's now able to do.
I had a great fear of public speaking and in my career I really needed to be at the podium talking to hundreds of doctors. And now I do it all the time. As a matter of fact I'm leaving right now to go to Florida where I'll be addressing over 100 doctors and I wouldn't have been able to do that years ago and now I can.
--Catherine Maley
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
Great News For Busy People
Most of the people we work with are successful professionals and so are very busy. They can't spend their days on a therapist's couch. They need to get results in hours not months or years.
Our speed is one reason so many people choose us. The Lefkoe Method takes about 4 hours to reduce your fear of public speaking to almost nothing. I know that seems like a very short time to overcome a fear you may have had for years and I understand if you're skeptical. I would be too if I hadn't seen the process work thousands of times.
That's why we offer a guarantee that's unprecedented for any service designed to help people overcome fear.
Our Unconditional, LIFETIME, Money-back Guarantee
The Lefkoe Method must free you from your fear in no more than four hours and not just for a day, a few weeks, or a year—but for the rest of your life. If you do not continue to be a calm, confident public speaker for any reason, you can get your money back just by making a phone call. We can afford to make it that easy for you because our track record is so strong.
"It's hard to believe that 3 one-hour sessions can undo years of a belief, but it's true."
I used to get nervous before speaking and question whether what I had to say was important or entertaining enough. As such, I would avoid situations where I had to speak or I would spend an incredible amount of energy beforehand being nervous. Since working with The Lefkoe Institute, I had the opportunity to speak in front of 1200 people. My intention was to be spontaneous and authentic -- and I was! Without fear!
This is great in that I no longer have to waste time or energy being nervous before speaking. It's hard to believe that 3 one-hour sessions can undo years of a belief, but it's true. I would definitely recommend to anyone being held back by a fear of public speaking or wasting energy worrying about what they may say, talk to the folks at The Lefkoe Institute. Quit being stuck!
Beth Burns,
Professional Life Coach
Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
"After my 2 sessions, my fear was 100% gone." *
My fear of public speaking was preventing me from getting promoted and handling more responsibility. I would stutter, get anxious, and make mistakes in front of my managers and important clients. As a result, my managers did not think I had the abilities to be promoted.
After my 2 sessions, my fear was 100% gone.
Since completing my sessions, I've successfully done 2 presentations to 20 people, some of whom were antagonistic to me; held my own and stood up for myself in front of others; and met 2 Chief Officers of a firm and talked to them with poise, knowledge, and was articulate. It was sad seeing my coworker stammering, acting anxious, and making mistakes- the same stuff I used to do until 2 weeks ago.
The best thing I like about overcoming my fear is that I now sound intelligent and competent to my clients and managers, so that I can garner more respect and perhaps a promotion. I think the best thing about this process is that it's results have lasted for the past 7 years. I didn't need to spend 6 months on a doctor's couch, and I saw the results immediately.
Thanks for discovering and helping us with this awesome process.
Alexandra Sathi, Consultant
*Disclaimer: Independent researchers found that on average fear was reduced to 1.5 on a 10-point scale in which 1 is no fear. So most participants had almost nonexistent fear.
Here's How To Get Started
To get started just call us on the phone at 415-506-4472 to schedule your first appointment or click the order button below to book your first session.
Each one-hour session is $450. And since it usually takes 4 sessions to overcome your fear, the total cost of the program is $1800. And if you're one of those rare people who requires a 5th session, you won't be billed anything extra because we guarantee to help you in 4 sessions—so your cost will never run over $1800.
Will You Settle For A Less Successful Career—
Or Will You Do Something About Your Fear Today?
Now that you know about The Lefkoe Method of unlearning your fear of public speaking, you have a choice. You can choose to remain afraid of public speaking... to dread the hours and days before an opportunity to speak to lose sleep in the days leading up to a presentation to never know when your fear will trip you up as you get on stage or enter a board room or you can choose to use The Lefkoe Method to unlearn your fear.
You can choose to feel confident when you speak to large audiences, to the higher ups in your organization or to any group no matter who they are. You can choose to accelerate your career growth and achieve all you've known you could achieve.
You can choose to get on the phone right now to schedule your first appointment with a Lefkoe Method Facilitator by calling 415-506-4472 or click the button below to book your first session online. We'll then contact you by phone to schedule your first appointment.
And if you are more comfortable speaking Spanish than English we have a Spanish-Speaking facilitator that can help you.
Remember, you do have a choice: either continue to live with fear or take this step to a life of freedom, growth and success.
Please choose wisely.

Morty Lefkoe
The Lefkoe Institute
To make it easy to find, I've included the two options for getting started below:
1.Online: the quickest and easiest way! After you reserve your spot online you will get a call by the next business day
to set up your first appointment at a time convenient to you.
2. By phone: Call 415-506-4472 between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Time. Tell the customer service representative that you
want to schedule an appointment with a Certified Lefkoe Method
Facilitator who will help you overcome your fear of public speaking.
3. If you haven't decided to work with us yet sign up below to get a copy of the Journal article from Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy that proves our system works to reduce your fear of public speaking to almost nothing.
Free Journal Article ($29.95 Value)
"Scientific Proof The Lefkoe Method Reduces The Fear Of Public Speaking To Almost Nothing"
will receive the journal article as a PDF in a matter of seconds.
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or shared with anyone.
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Privacy Policy: The Lefkoe Institute is committed to maintaining your privacy. Any information submitted to The Lefkoe Institute through this web site or otherwise is held in strictest confidence and is never given out to anyone for any reason. We do not sell or otherwise make available our mailing list.
*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person.
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